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Conclusion Generator

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How to Use a Conclusion Generator to Write Better Essays

Writing essays can be challenging for many students, especially when it comes to crafting a strong and convincing conclusion. A conclusion is the last part of your essay that summarizes your main points and leaves a lasting impression on your readers. However, writing a good conclusion can be tricky and time-consuming. You need to restate your thesis, synthesize your arguments, and provide a clear call to action or recommendation.

Fortunately, there is a free conclusion generator tool that can help you write better conclusions in minutes. It is called a conclusion generator and it is available right here. A conclusion generator is an online tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate a summary of your essay based on your topic and main points. It can also help you format your conclusion according to different citation styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.

Benefits of Using a Conclusion Generator

A conclusion generator can offer you many benefits, such as:

  • Saving time and effort. You don’t have to spend hours trying to come up with a perfect ending for your essay. You can simply enter your topic and main points and get a ready-made conclusion in seconds.
  • Improving your writing skills. You can learn from the examples and tips provided by the conclusion generator. You can see how to restate your thesis, connect your ideas, and use transition words and phrases. You can also check your grammar and spelling errors and avoid plagiarism.
  • Boosting your grades. A good conclusion can make a difference in your academic performance. It can show your instructor that you have understood the topic, developed a clear argument, and supported it with evidence. It can also persuade your audience to agree with your point of view or take action.

How to Use a Conclusion Generator

Using our free essay conclusion generator is easy and fast. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Click on the “Conclusion Generator” tab here.
  • Enter your topic and main points in the text box. You can also paste your entire essay if you want.
  • Choose the citation style you need, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.
  • Click on the “Generate” button and wait for a few seconds.
  • Review the generated conclusion and copy it to your essay. You can also edit it or generate another one if you are not satisfied.

What are the 5 parts of a conclusion?

A conclusion is the final part of an essay that summarizes the main points and arguments of the writer. It also provides a sense of closure and completeness to the reader. A good conclusion should have five parts:

  1. Restate the topic and why it is important. This reminds the reader of what the essay is about and why it matters.
  2. Restate the thesis or claim. This restates the main idea or argument of the essay in different words.
  3. Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position. This acknowledges the other perspectives on the topic and shows why your position is more convincing or reasonable.
  4. Call for action or overview future research possibilities. This suggests what the reader should do next or what further questions or issues need to be explored on the topic.
  5. End with a strong final sentence that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. This could be a quotation, a question, a recommendation, a prediction, or a personal reflection.


A conclusion generator is a free tool that can help you write better essays in minutes. It can save you time and effort, improve your writing skills, and boost your grades. It can also help you format your conclusion according to different citation styles. You can try it out here and see how it works for yourself.

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